Bethany of Fox Valley UMC is looking for a mature, part time worker to provide dependable, safe, secure and nurturing care to children while at church.  This worker is responsible for caring for children ages infant-5 on Sunday mornings.


  • Responsible for providing age appropriate care which includes: feeding, changing diapers, escorting to the bathroom, maintaining a safe environment, holding or sitting with and cheerfully interacting with children through games, stories and play.
  • Be polite, friendly and courteous to all children, parents and volunteers.
  • In the event of an emergency with a child notify the parent via cell phone.
  • Provide child care every Sunday from 8:45 am – 10:15 am.  There may be additional opportunities to work other church events such as Easter, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Vacation Bible School, etc.
  • Stay until the children are secured with a responsible adult named on the child’s registration form.
  • Straighten the room and clean any toys/tables/chairs before leaving.
  • Report to Staff Parish Committee (SPRC) members.
  • Communicate in advance to SPRC any planned absences and with advance 2 week notice or any unplanned absences at least 2 hours prior to the shift.


  •  Follow guidelines in the Bethany of Fox Valley Safe Sanctuary policy.
  • Good handwashing and sanitation should always be used while changing diapers or in contact with body fluids.  The changing table and supplies should be disinfected each time after use. 
  • A first aid kit will be supplied – must have good basic knowledge of first aid procedures.
  • Current certification in child and infant CPR preferred.
  • No child shall be released to anyone but the adult on the sign in sheet.

Termination Policy:

  • There will be a 90 day probationary period where either party may terminate employment without cause. Beyond this a 2 week notice is expected from either party.
  • Dependability is essential.  Tardiness and excessive absences will result in termination of employment.


  • At least one year in caring for children between the ages of infant-5 with the ability to adapt and interact with a variety of personalities.
  • At least 18 years of age.
  • High school education or equivalent.
  • Completion of satisfactory background check.
  • Must adhere to the Bethany of Fox Valley child protection policy (Safe Sanctuary).
  • Must provide two references.

$25 per Sunday

Application Process:
To apply for this position email resumes to

About Bethany of Fox Valley UMC

Have questions about attending Bethany of Fox Valley UMC? We have some answers.

Looking for information on worship services or Sunday school classes?

Contact us if we can answer any questions you have.




2200 Ridge Ave
Aurora, IL 60504
Phone: 1-630-851-8010

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