1. GREAT AGERS- Come celebrate Valentine's Day with Great Agers on February 14th. We plan on enjoying sensible low-calorie salads and dishes for lunch and then splurging by making our own sundaes for dessert. We will supply beverages and the ice cream bar complete with ice cream, toppings, nuts and yes, whipped cream. We are asking everyone else to bring a sensible salad or low-calorie treat to share along with your own table service. Following lunch, we will play a few games including heart bingo. If you can, bring a small gift in a paper bag to be used for prizes. Lunch will be served at noon so plan to arrive between 11:30 a.m. and noon. Please sign up in the narthex or call the church office to let us know you are coming so we have enough ice cream for all. Hope to see everyone!
2. MISSIONS TEAM BOOK DRIVE- We are having another book drive! This drive is for religious books only, such as Sunday School materials and devotionals like The Upper Room. This collection will be sent to Love Packages in Butler, IL, whose mission is "Putting the Word of God into Hungry Hands All Over the World."
Love Packages collects bible donations, Christian books, Sunday School materials, and more from people and publishers across the U.S. and ships them to a global network of distributors- over 2,000 tons of are distributed on the mission field every year. Read more about Love Packages and the meaningful impact of these donations on their website at
• If you are donating items, place them in the bin in the breezeway.
• Our library has been reviewed and before we box up any of our current material, we want you to take anything you would like first. Please stop by the table in the Narthex and have a look.
The Bethany Mission Team thoroughly researches where all our donations go to help ensure they are used in the faith of Mission Work.
3. LENTEN POTLUCK DOLLAR DINNERS- We will be hosting a weekly Lenten potluck dinner and invite everyone to join us for a time of fellowship at 6 p.m. on five Wednesdays beginning March 12th as we journey towards Easter. Each week, a main dish and beverages will be provided. (More information and sign-up sheets coming soon).
4. LENTEN BIBLE STUDY- This year, we will study The Walk, written by Adam Hamilton, best-selling author and senior pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection. The bible study will be held immediately after Lenten Potluck Dollar Dinners on five Wednesdays, starting March 12th. The cost of the book is $13. The sign-up on the Narthex bulletin board by February 23rd so we know how many books to order.
5. BELL CHOIR- Our next rehearsal will be Wed., February 12th at 6:30 pm and we would love for you to join us. Please contact Sherry Allen at if interested.
6. CHANCEL CHOIR REHEARSAL- We will meet on Wednesday, February 12th at 7:30 pm for Chancel Choir rehearsal.
7. DORCAS CIRCLE- Our next meeting will be on Wed., February 19th at 1pm in the Fellowship Hall. Join us for some light refreshment, grace, and fellowship!