2023 Fall Stewardship Event (For 2024)
Giving your Time, Talent and Treasure

It is that time of year when we are called to make a commitment of our time, our talent, and our treasure in service of God and Christ through our support of Bethany of Fox Valley United Methodist Church.

We ask that you complete the 2024 Commitment Card and return it to church by Commitment Sunday, December 10, 2023.  You can complete the card on paper or online using Bethany’s web site bfvumc.org (look for “Stewardship” on the home page).  The paper form is inserted in your bulletin, is available in the narthex, and can be printed from the Stewardship page on our website.  Completing the form by December 4 will better enable us to plan for the ministries and missions of Bethany in 2023.

Thank You,

The Stewardship Team

Online Form

About Bethany of Fox Valley UMC

Have questions about attending Bethany of Fox Valley UMC? We have some answers.

Looking for information on worship services or Sunday school classes?

Contact us if we can answer any questions you have.




2200 Ridge Ave
Aurora, IL 60504
Phone: 1-630-851-8010
Email: info@bfvumc.org

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