1. JOINT WORSHIP SERVICE AND CHURCH PICNIC-*10am-Sept. 22nd Join us in fellowship for a combined church service and picnic with the Bethany, Hope UCC, and Tabernaculo de Luz communities. For the picnic, main dishes of chicken, hamburgers, and hot dogs will be provided. Drinks and place settings will also be provided. More details and sign-up sheet are on the display in the narthex.

2. DORCAS CIRCLE- During the month of September, Dorcas will be collecting diapers, baby related items, & feminine hygiene products to be donated to the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry in Aurora. Contributions may be dropped off at the church office by Sept. 30th.

3. CHANCEL CHOIR- Chancel Choir will be meeting at 7pm on September 19th and 26th. All voices are welcome!

About Bethany of Fox Valley UMC

Have questions about attending Bethany of Fox Valley UMC? We have some answers.

Looking for information on worship services or Sunday school classes?

Contact us if we can answer any questions you have.




2200 Ridge Ave
Aurora, IL 60504
Phone: 1-630-851-8010
Email: info@bfvumc.org

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