1. ALTAR FLOWERS- The beautiful flowers that adorn our altar were provided by Joni Javier and Pearl Javier in memory of their late brother James’ birthday.

2. WELCOME RECEPTION-  As it is the 4th of July weekend, we have postponed a reception for Pastor Sang Hun Han to Sunday, July 14 in the narthex.  We look forward to getting to know Pastor Sang, his wife Heesung, and son David. Let's show him that "Bethany is the best place to be on Sunday morning"! 

3. GEORGETOWN ELEMENTARY- The Missions Team plans to give as many school supplies as possible to help the students of Georgetown Elementary School whose families may not otherwise be able to provide them.  Pick up a shopping list of the supplies needed in the narthex. Donations may be brought to the church anytime during the months of June and July.  Thank you!!!

4. PASTOR RETREAT- Pastor Han will be out of the office Tuesday, July 9th through Thursday, July 11th to attend a retreat. 

About Bethany of Fox Valley UMC

Have questions about attending Bethany of Fox Valley UMC? We have some answers.

Looking for information on worship services or Sunday school classes?

Contact us if we can answer any questions you have.




2200 Ridge Ave
Aurora, IL 60504
Phone: 1-630-851-8010
Email: info@bfvumc.org

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