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For Adults

Bethany of Fox Valley UMC offers many ways to participate in ministry as you choose and where you belong and for all ages, including:

Adult Choir

The choir practices twice a month on Thursdays and performs once a month. Our schedule is flexible to accommodate the needs of choir members. 

Sunday School

Our "Loyal Leaders" adult Sunday school class meets after service at 10:15am. Every other month, the group gets together for dinner and dominoes.

Great Agers

From September through May, those 50 and older are invited to a monthly luncheon at the church.  But the fun doesn't end with lunch.  There is always some kind of program afterwards, be it a musical group, a magician, a presentation of some sort, or even our version of bingo!

Prayer Circle

Lifting up prayers and concerns throughout the congregation and world issues.  This group meets periodically with unique settings and ways of lifting up prayers.  Contact Jacquee Lawrence for more information.

Gardeners Delight

This is a small group ministry for those who like to get your hands dirty.  They plant a small garden in the back of hte church property which had been designed by one of our Eagle Scouts.  Maintaining and harvesting the garden is a fun way to watch the miracle of God provide food.  Also, flower beds and pots require some tender loving care and those who provide their green thumbs are rewarded with a way of praising God for his blessings.

Dorcas Circle

Dorcas Circle meets the 3rd Wednesday at noon at the church and is open to all women in the congregation.  Throughout the year, the group participates in activities such as sending cards to the homebound, preparing Easter baskets for Wayside Mission Urban Youth Ministry, collecting and donating baby clothes in the fall and just enjoying fellowship with each other.