Adult Chancel Choir

Lifting God's parises through song and music.  This choir blends traditional and contemporary hymns into the services and special concerts throughout the year.

Rehearsals on Wednesdays at 7:00pm

Children's Choir

Children's choir present their musical talents the second Sunday of each month.  Songs are cleverly presented with joy and thanskgiving.

Rehearsals on Mondays at 5:15pm

Bell Choir

Bells are a wonderful addition to our service! The bell choir performs at select services throughout the year.  Music reading is not required and the bell choir is open to both children and adults.  

Rehearsals are Mondays at 7:00pm

Praise Band

Got an instrument?  Strings, horns, drums, we have it all and room for more!

Rehearsals first Wednesday of the month.

Flute Choir

This group plays on certain Sundays throughout the year with melodic flute music playing throughout the sanctuary.

Rehearsals various Saturdays.

About Bethany of Fox Valley UMC

Have questions about attending Bethany of Fox Valley UMC? We have some answers.

Looking for information on worship services or Sunday school classes?

Contact us if we can answer any questions you have.




2200 Ridge Ave
Aurora, IL 60504
Phone: 1-630-851-8010

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